It's continue with the monthly interviews...Here the Jessica's one, that i thank for being so friendly and helpful.
Nome : Jessica
Cognome : Mura
Link al tuo blog :
Da che cosa è nata la tua passione per la moda? La mia passione per la moda è nata dalla fotografia. Ho iniziato a comprare moltissime riviste solo per ammirare gli stupendi scatti di moda di artisti come Demarchelier e attraverso queste immagini ho capito davvero quanto la moda non riguardi solo gli abiti, ci sono tantissimi messaggi nascosti dietro il lavoro di chi opera in questo mondo. Trovo molto interessante cercare di recepire quello che l'artista vuole trasmetterti e andare oltre all'apparenza. Se si sorpassano gli stereotipi banali e diffusi sulla moda, possiamo scoprire che essa è cultura, arte, passione, insomma, riguarda tutto ciò che è attorno a noi, non è solo un accessorio.
E il blog? Ho deciso di creare un mio blog perchè un giorno delle mie amiche mi parlarono di alcuni blog di moda, spiegandomi un pò cosa succede in questo mondo e cosi mi sono incuriosità, anche perchè ho sempre utilizzato altri siti di condivisione, come flickr, per cui ho colto questa occasione come il completamento perfetto di ciò che avevo cominciato.
Descrivi il tuo stile in 3 parole : chip - bon ton - curioso di sperimentare
Che cosa ti distingue dagli altri? Penso mi distingua dagli altri il fatto che non dispongo di grandi finanze, quindi " mi devo accontentare " di quello che posso permettermi, eppure mi è capitato spesso di sentirmi dire che il mio stile sembrava costoso o di passare da persona molto agiata, tutto ciò per il mio gusto personale nell'abbinare quello che indosso e nel sapere trovare anche in un mercatino qualcosa di speciale. Non nego comunque che se avessi la possibilità sarei la prima ad andare a comprare da Yves Saint Laurent o Gucci o quello che volete. E forse un'altro mio pregio è il fatto che,a volte, indosso qualcosa che avrà il suo " boom " mesi e mesi dopo, quindi è come se un pò anticipassi le mode, anche se ovviamente in piccole cose, non sono ancora cosi esperta !
Da dove prendi ispirazione: Mi ispiro soprattutto alla gente che vedo per strada, mi è capito molte volte di fermare qualcuno per chiedergli dove avesse comprato un determinato accessorio, anche perchè quando cammini per il centro incontri qualsiasi genere di abbigliamento e mi piace notare i lati positivi dei vari stili. Naturalmente anche le riviste, in particolare Vogue che è la mia preferita, mi danno spesso ottimi consigli, anche se da reinterpretare in maniera più accessibile.
Quali sono le tue icone di stile? La mia icona di stile in assoluto è sicuramente Audrey Hepburne. Io ho una passione sfrenata per lei, continuo a riguardare senza stancarmi i suoi film e la trovo bellissima. Il suo stile è unico per me, non solo per gli abiti che indossa, ma per la sua personalità, il suo portamento, la sua eleganza mai troppo seriosa, insomma, Audrey Hepburne secondo me era perfetta e rimarrà per sempre un punto di ispirazione per chiunque.
E il tuo stilista preferito? Non ho uno stilista preferito, ce ne sono molti che mi piacciono, sicuramente un'artista che stimo è Vera wang, la trovo strepitosa e capace di creare stupendi abiti eleganti, classici, ma comunque originali, per poi passare ad abiti più eccentrici e stravaganti.
Quali sono, secondo te, i “must have” per una donna? Una donna nel suo armadio dovrebbe sempre avere un vestitino nero elegante, un blazer, decolté, jeans, borse abbinate alle scarpe, tantissimi tantissimi accessori,poiché sono ciò che dà davvero vita all'abito
Dimmi tre cose che hai nel guardaroba: decolté color tiffany, vestitino da cockail rosa antico, jeans strappati a sigaretta
E quelle che tieni sempre in borsa? ballerine pieghevoli , foulard, spille per capelli
La tua ossessione? Facile, le scarpe!! sono la mia vera ossessione, è difficile che io riesca ad uscire senza comprarne una e sono senz'altro il tallone d'Achille del mio portafoglio ,perchè sono ciò per cui spendo di più, insieme alle borse. Secondo me sono un accessorio fondamentale, potrei indossare un abitino semplicissimo e banale, ma mettendo le scarpe giuste acquisterebbe una sua originalità, senza contare che camminare con la scarpa giusta mi fa sentire sicura, a mio agio, bella, non lo so, sono davvero legata a tutte le mie scarpe, dalle tennis, agli stivali, alle decolté
Che modello erano? Erano classiche,in vernice nera, chiuse sul davanti, tacco 10, con un bel fiocco sulla punta
Parlando di accessori: -quello più usato: quello più usato è sicuramente un orologio di dolce e gabbana che forse è anche quello a cui sono più legata perchè fu uno dei primi regali che mi fece Richi, ha una bellissima incisione e non lo tolgo MAI
-quello a te più caro: vedi sopra
Chi fa le foto per il tuo blog? Le foto per il mio blog a volte le faccio io con l'autoscatto, altre volte mi aiutano i miei amici, magari gli do qualche indicazione perchè non conoscono bene la macchina, ma sono molto bravi e disponibili
Cosa usi per fotografare? Uso una reflex, una Nikon d5000, ma quando non posso portarla con me per motivi di praticità, posso utilizzare qualsiasi cosa , perchè la passione per la fotografia è troppa
Che lavoro fai? Studio all'università di rimini : tecnica e cultura della moda
Una cosa che ti manca ora: Attualmente mi manca un lavoro concreto. Fortunatamente posso andare all'università senza dover lavorare per mantenermi, perchè i miei genitori sono presenti e mi aiutano molto, però non nego che lavorare nel campo della moda e avere un'autonomia economica mi renderebbe completa al 100%, ma c'è tempo per questo :)
E per finire:
Un piatto? I passatelli, li mangerei anche con 40° d'estate
Un vizio? Il mio vizio è il cibo, adoro mangiare, dolce salato, caldo , freddo , insomma adoro farlo e sono sempre allegra quando lo faccio, specialmente se sono in compagnia.
Un hobby? Fotografia a parte, che è la mia prima grande passione, ho sempre danzato e anche se negli ultimi anni non l'ho fatto seriamente, mi piace moltissimo ballare
Un personaggio famoso? Perchè? Gareth Pugh, penso che sia un artista straordinario, all'avanguardia, adoro guardare tutto ciò che fa e penso che le sue sfilate sul grande schermo siano stupende. Lui traduce in moda la sua arte e lo fa in un modo incredibile, professionale, ma soprattutto credo che sia in grado di anticipare le tendenze anche di decenni.
Ringrazio Ilaria per avermi dato la possibilità di farmi conoscere meglio, la trovo una splendida idea e anche le domande erano molto carine. Mando un grosso bacio a tutti e se volete sapere altro sono disponibile, sapete dove trovarmi! ^^ Je
Name: Jessica
Surname: Wall Link to your blog:
From what did your passion for fashion? My passion for fashion was born out of stock. I started buying lots of magazines just to admire the gorgeous shots of fashionable artists like Demarchelier and through these pictures I really understand what fashion is not just about the clothes, there are many hidden messages behind the work of those who work in this world. I find it very interesting to try to incorporate what the artist wants to convey and to go beyond appearances. If you are ahead of the mundane and common stereotypes about fashion, we find that it is culture, art, passion, in short, about everything around us is not just an accessory.
And the blog? I decided to create my own blog one day because of my friends told me about some fashion blogs, explaining a little what happens in this world and so I am intrigued, also because I have been working with other sharing sites like Flickr, soI took this occasion as the perfect complement to what I started.
But what is fashion for you? Fashion is part of my life and especially since the study at the university I was kidnapped more and more. I think in the fashion we can not give a single definition, because it can often be contradictory, even given the many facets it has. So I can only say that there is nothing currently that is not touched by fashion, even the fields that the label or criticize, I'm really affected! Fashion allows everyone, from the poorest to the richest, able to express himself, his personality, allows to know ourselves better and let us know from those around us. Certainly has many downsides, but it does not depend on the fashion as fashion, but how it is used by us
Describe your style in three words: chip - bon ton - curious to experiment
What sets you apart from others? I think I stand out from others that do not have great finances, so "I must be satisfied" than I can afford, yet I've often heard it said that my style seemed to move from expensive or very wealthy person, everything for my personal taste in combining what I wear and how to find even in a market for something special. I do not deny the possibility, however, that if I'd be the first to go and buy from Yves Saint Laurent or Gucci or whatever you want. And maybe another thing about it is that I sometimes wear something that will have its own "boom" months and months later, so it's as if anticipating some fashion, although of course in small things, are not yet so expert!
Where do you get inspiration? I am inspired especially the people I see on the street, I understood many times to stop someone to ask him where he bought a certain accessory, also because when you walk through the center encounters any kind of clothing and I like to see the sides positives of the various styles. Of course the magazines, including Vogue, which is my favorite, I often give good advice, although to be reinterpreted in a more accessible.
What are your style icons? My style icon Audrey Hepburn is certainly absolute. I have an unbridled passion for her, I continue to apply without getting tired of his films and I find it beautiful. His style is unique to me, not only for the clothes she wears, but for his personality, his demeanor, his style never too serious, in fact, I think Audrey Hepburn was perfect and will always be a point of inspiration for anyone.
And your favorite designer? I do not have a favorite designer, there are many that I like, definitely an artist that I admire is Vera Wang, I find it amazing and able to create beautiful dresses elegant, classic, yet original, and then switch to the most eccentric and extravagant clothes .
What do you think the "must have" for a woman? A woman in her closet should always have an elegant black dress, a blazer, cleavage, jeans, bags, shoes matched, many many accessories, as they are really what gives life to the dress
Tell me three things you have in your wardrobe: cleavage tiffany color, pink dress from cockail old, torn jeans cigarette
And those who always keep in stock? Folding dancers, scarves, hairpins
Surname: Wall Link to your blog:
From what did your passion for fashion? My passion for fashion was born out of stock. I started buying lots of magazines just to admire the gorgeous shots of fashionable artists like Demarchelier and through these pictures I really understand what fashion is not just about the clothes, there are many hidden messages behind the work of those who work in this world. I find it very interesting to try to incorporate what the artist wants to convey and to go beyond appearances. If you are ahead of the mundane and common stereotypes about fashion, we find that it is culture, art, passion, in short, about everything around us is not just an accessory.
And the blog? I decided to create my own blog one day because of my friends told me about some fashion blogs, explaining a little what happens in this world and so I am intrigued, also because I have been working with other sharing sites like Flickr, soI took this occasion as the perfect complement to what I started.
But what is fashion for you? Fashion is part of my life and especially since the study at the university I was kidnapped more and more. I think in the fashion we can not give a single definition, because it can often be contradictory, even given the many facets it has. So I can only say that there is nothing currently that is not touched by fashion, even the fields that the label or criticize, I'm really affected! Fashion allows everyone, from the poorest to the richest, able to express himself, his personality, allows to know ourselves better and let us know from those around us. Certainly has many downsides, but it does not depend on the fashion as fashion, but how it is used by us
Describe your style in three words: chip - bon ton - curious to experiment
What sets you apart from others? I think I stand out from others that do not have great finances, so "I must be satisfied" than I can afford, yet I've often heard it said that my style seemed to move from expensive or very wealthy person, everything for my personal taste in combining what I wear and how to find even in a market for something special. I do not deny the possibility, however, that if I'd be the first to go and buy from Yves Saint Laurent or Gucci or whatever you want. And maybe another thing about it is that I sometimes wear something that will have its own "boom" months and months later, so it's as if anticipating some fashion, although of course in small things, are not yet so expert!
Where do you get inspiration? I am inspired especially the people I see on the street, I understood many times to stop someone to ask him where he bought a certain accessory, also because when you walk through the center encounters any kind of clothing and I like to see the sides positives of the various styles. Of course the magazines, including Vogue, which is my favorite, I often give good advice, although to be reinterpreted in a more accessible.
What are your style icons? My style icon Audrey Hepburn is certainly absolute. I have an unbridled passion for her, I continue to apply without getting tired of his films and I find it beautiful. His style is unique to me, not only for the clothes she wears, but for his personality, his demeanor, his style never too serious, in fact, I think Audrey Hepburn was perfect and will always be a point of inspiration for anyone.
And your favorite designer? I do not have a favorite designer, there are many that I like, definitely an artist that I admire is Vera Wang, I find it amazing and able to create beautiful dresses elegant, classic, yet original, and then switch to the most eccentric and extravagant clothes .
What do you think the "must have" for a woman? A woman in her closet should always have an elegant black dress, a blazer, cleavage, jeans, bags, shoes matched, many many accessories, as they are really what gives life to the dress
Tell me three things you have in your wardrobe: cleavage tiffany color, pink dress from cockail old, torn jeans cigarette
And those who always keep in stock? Folding dancers, scarves, hairpins
Your obsession? Easy, shoes! they are my obsession, it's hard to leave without my being able to buy one and they are definitely the Achilles heel of my portfolio, because what they are spending more, along with the bags. In my opinion, are an essential accessory, I could wear a simple dress and simple, but putting the right shoes acquires its originality, not to mention that walking with the right shoe makes me feel safe, comfortable, beautiful, I do not know, I'm really linked to all my shoes, from tennis, to boots, the cleavage
At what age did your first couple of cleavage? My first pair of cleavage I bought them in the first upper
What model were they? They were classic, in black paint, locks on the front, heel 10, with a nice bow on top
Speaking of accessories: -The most-used: the one most used is definitely a watch by Dolce and Gabbana is perhaps even more than that to which they are linked because it was one of the first gifts that made me Rich, has a beautiful engraving and do not EVER take off
-What-you dearest: see above
-The one that does not include: in reality there is something that does not cover because I fond of everything I have at home, even if you do not wear it more and sorpattutto sometimes, years later, I come to appreciate accessories that I did not think I would put more
Who makes the picture for your blog? The photos on my blog sometimes I do with the self-timer, other times I help my friends, maybe give him some indication of why not familiar with the car, but they are very good and helpful
What do you use to photograph? Using a camera, a Nikon D5000, but when I can not take it with me for reasons of practicality, I can use anything, because the passion for photography is too much
What do you do? Study at the University of rimini: technique and culture of fashion What, instead, would you like to be? My dream for many years is to work for American Vogue, we hope! :)
One thing that is missing now: Currently I'm missing a concrete work. Fortunately I can go to college without having to work to support myself, because my parents are present and help me a lot, but I do not deny that working in fashion and have economic autonomy would make me 100% complete, but no time for this:)
And finally:
A dish? Passatelli, eat them with 40 ° in summer
A flaw? My vice is food, love, sweet salty, hot, cold, in fact I love it and are always happy when I do, especially if they are in good company.
A hobby? Photography aside, that is my first passion, I always danced in recent years and although I did seriously, I love dancing
A famous person? Why? Gareth Pugh, I think it's an extraordinary artist, art, love watching everything he does and I think its shows on the big screen is amazing. He translates to fashion his art and does it in an incredible way, professional, but above all I believe that it is able to anticipate trends even decades.
Ilaria thank you for giving me the chance to know me better, I find it a wonderful idea and even the questions were very nice. I send a big kiss to everyone and if you want to know more are available, you know where to find me! ^ ^ Je
At what age did your first couple of cleavage? My first pair of cleavage I bought them in the first upper
What model were they? They were classic, in black paint, locks on the front, heel 10, with a nice bow on top
Speaking of accessories: -The most-used: the one most used is definitely a watch by Dolce and Gabbana is perhaps even more than that to which they are linked because it was one of the first gifts that made me Rich, has a beautiful engraving and do not EVER take off
-What-you dearest: see above
-The one that does not include: in reality there is something that does not cover because I fond of everything I have at home, even if you do not wear it more and sorpattutto sometimes, years later, I come to appreciate accessories that I did not think I would put more
Who makes the picture for your blog? The photos on my blog sometimes I do with the self-timer, other times I help my friends, maybe give him some indication of why not familiar with the car, but they are very good and helpful
What do you use to photograph? Using a camera, a Nikon D5000, but when I can not take it with me for reasons of practicality, I can use anything, because the passion for photography is too much
What do you do? Study at the University of rimini: technique and culture of fashion What, instead, would you like to be? My dream for many years is to work for American Vogue, we hope! :)
One thing that is missing now: Currently I'm missing a concrete work. Fortunately I can go to college without having to work to support myself, because my parents are present and help me a lot, but I do not deny that working in fashion and have economic autonomy would make me 100% complete, but no time for this:)
And finally:
A dish? Passatelli, eat them with 40 ° in summer
A flaw? My vice is food, love, sweet salty, hot, cold, in fact I love it and are always happy when I do, especially if they are in good company.
A hobby? Photography aside, that is my first passion, I always danced in recent years and although I did seriously, I love dancing
A famous person? Why? Gareth Pugh, I think it's an extraordinary artist, art, love watching everything he does and I think its shows on the big screen is amazing. He translates to fashion his art and does it in an incredible way, professional, but above all I believe that it is able to anticipate trends even decades.
Ilaria thank you for giving me the chance to know me better, I find it a wonderful idea and even the questions were very nice. I send a big kiss to everyone and if you want to know more are available, you know where to find me! ^ ^ Je
molto carina l'intervista! :)
RispondiEliminaHo letto ora! Nel prossimo post lo scriverò, grazie mille :)